Sunday, 30 June 2013

freedom puppies

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post well lets say really late post :( Will try to be quicker tomorrow>.<

         Today's new freedom plushie in the summer carnival are the freedom puppies!


Also there's a new code which is drawing
the code gets you 500 gems
not bad
I wonder if AJHQ is going to make new codes 

and theres some videos about lady bugs and octupuses

talking about videos the Daily Explorer posted a post about videos in jamaa
that's all for now jammers!
see you around jamaa maybe ^^

Saturday, 29 June 2013

freedom astronaut helmet!

                         Hey jammers! Today's new freedom item is a freedom astronaut helmet!
                                          sold in the freedom party clothing stall!
                                               looks like items are getting colored in
                                                          the freedom colors!,
                                                      what item would liked it to
                                                  be colored in the freedom colors?
                          and a post by the daily Explorer about freedom items!
that's all jammers and sorry for the late post >.<  
I'm trying to be quicker.
well happy jamming
(I hate scammers)

Friday, 28 June 2013

freedom kitties!

Hey jammers! sorry for the really late post >.< (i'm having sleep ins >.<)  also this is going to be a short post (sorry)
Today's new freedom (plushie) item is the freedom kitties! (plushie)!

           also some posts by the Daily Explorer! 

           looks like their having great fun!

                                          and a music video payphone! hope you enjoy it!
                                                        well that's all jammers!
                                                           happy jamming!

Thursday, 27 June 2013


Hey jammers there's a new update!                      (sorry late posting >.<)
Freedom Day is coming closer and closer
and the FREEDOM UPDATE has arrived!
                       make sure you check out the freedom party for new items!
 the freedom jester hat is new!

             and don't forget the
                   chicken hat!
                                     also remember to check out the summer carnival
                                                      for new freedom items!
                                             Also the Freedom plushies have arrived!
                                                   more will be arriving very soon!

                         now for the new update!!!

the cover
   the freedom party isn't the biggest
                   party ever but enjoy the fireworks!

lots of things about the adventures

and the Hummingbird packs are leaving animal jam outfitters!
so if you want one better be quick!

and there always has to be some posts from the
Daily Explorer

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

freedom panda hat! and a lot of posts!

hey jammers today's post is going to be short sorry!

todays item is a freedom panda hat!
you can also buy all the hats in the freedom party which are coming to jamaa clothing

and a lot of posts by the Daily Expolorer! (it takes a long time to read them all!) and sorry jammers no music video

Epic Den Of The Week

The Epic Den of the Week belongs to Crunchy Coolpenguin!

dShopping For Your Den

Check Out Jam Mart Furniture In Jamaa Township
Remember to check back often as new items are always being added.
Once you’re inside the shop, move your mouse around and click on the highlighted tables to open the item catalog. Club members can click on an item and use the color wheel, located at the bottom right corner of the item’s popup window, to check outdifferent colors for each item:
To learn how to recycle any den items that you’re sure don’t want anymore, click here.
Go Furniture Shopping From Your Den
Once you’re in your den, click on the Edit Den button:
Then, click on the Shop For Your Den button:
If you’re in a land den, the Jam Mart Furniture catalog will pop up, and if you’re in anocean den, you’ll see the Sunken Treasures catalog.
Visit The Other Shops In Jamaa
You can find mysterious items for your den in Temple of Zios. Whenever you’re in the Chamber of Knowledge, be sure to go all the way upstairs—did you know that there aretwo flights of stairs?—and you’ll find the Mystery Emporium! If you are a plant lover, don’t forget to stop by Treetop Gardens in Sarepia Forest.
Head to the Conservation Museum in Appondale for unique lawn decor or giant plushies. Visit the Flag Shop in Sarepia Forest to sport your country pride in your den.
To find fun furniture for your ocean den, you’ll have to slip into your fins or flippers and head for the Sunken Treasures shop, located in Kani Cove.
A really fun way to get den items is to trade other Jammers for them. Be sure to learn all about trading here, and try it out for yourself! Sometimes, you can even get rare items that are no longer available at any of the shops around Jamaa!

Purchasing A Den

Every player in Animal Jam starts off with a small house den. Members have additionalslots available for purchasing new dens!
To purchase a new den, go into your den by clicking on the Den button in the bottom right of your screen:
Then, click on the Edit Den button in the bottom right corner that has a picture of a table with a book on it:
Click on the Switch Den button:
then choos a den, then click a blue Buy A New Den button. Or, you can visit the Den Depot in Coral Canyons. se your favorite den, and click Buy.
To switch dens, simply click on one of the dens shown. You can decorate each den individually. When you switch dens, everything will be exactly the way you left it!

DeDen Settings

Locking Your Den
Did you know there is a way to make sure only your buddies can enter your den? When you are in Jamaa, click on the settings button:
Your My Settings box will pop up:
To lock your den, click on the padlock icon:
The blue button will slide to the left and let you know your den is locked. Click the padlock again when you want to unlock your den.
You can also use the lock feature from inside your den by clicking the Edit Den button:
When the editing options pop up, you’ll see a big padlock at the top of your screen. Simply click it to lock or unlock your den.
Den Music
When in your den, click the Edit Den button, and you will see a speaker and music note icon on the top of your screen:
This will show you all of the songs you currently have to choose from. You can also purchase cool songs by clicking on the button that says Shop.
When in the shop, click a particular song to listen to it before you decide to buy. If you need to make room for new songs, simply click the recycle icon.
You can also purchase special songs at various parties that can’t be found anywhere else! And remember, den music is currently only available for Jammers with Club memberships.

decorating Your Den

To get to your den, click the Den Button located at the bottom right corner of your screen:
To furnish your den, click on the Edit Den button next to the globe:
This will bring up your den item inventory. Remember, land den items can only be seen and placed in land dens, and ocean den items can only be seen and placed in oceandens.
Next, click on the item you want to put in your den. Too see all of your den items, use the blue arrows on each side of your inventory. Once an item has been placed in your den, you can move it by clicking the item and dragging it with your mouse. The screen will follow where you want to go. When you have the item exactly where you want it, let go of the mouse button. You can rotate items by hovering over the item and clicking on the yellow arrow next to the item. If you decide that you don’t want that item in your den, just click on the blue X to remove it and send it back into your inventory.

You can do lots of other fun things from the Edit Den menu such as organize your furniture and wallpaper, recycle items, switch dens, and shop.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

FREEDOM CAT HAT! and some posts!

hey jammers today's clothing item is the FREEDOM CAT HAT! looks like all the freedom hats (clothing) are coming to jamaa clothing! ( you canalso buy these hats (clothing) in the freedom party! with more other clothing of choice!

                                  also a post by the Daily Explorer about the new animals
                                                  in Jamaa... the Kangaroos!!!

Kangaroos In Jamaa?

Some Jammers are reporting a strange sight: kangaroos hopping around Jamaa! Have you seen any of these marvelous marsupials?
Perhaps the new kangaroos have something to do with the explorations of Cosmo and the koalas
sorry it's kind of late to post this but i just felt like it^^ and another post by the Daily Explorer!

How Many Animals Can I Have?

Each non-member Animal Jam account allows 2 unique animals. Even though theremany kinds of animals to choose from, don’t forget you’ll need to have an animal that can go underwater to visit Jamaa’s oceans. Be sure to save an animal slot for a seal, sea turtle, or penguin.
Currently, each membership account can have up to 24 animals per account, including animals exclusively available to them! For more information about our Club memberships, be sure to visit the membership page at
2 animal jam videos!
Enjoy them!

Monday, 24 June 2013

rare item monday... RARE ARMY HAT!

hey jammers! todays rare item monday is a.............. (drumrolll)................. A RARE ARMY HAT!! -does a loud cheer- its in red, blue and white, freedom colors! its not a bad rare i guess... here's a pic of the rare ^^

And a post by the Daily Explorer! about the rare!

Every Monday, one super rare item is for sale in one of the shops around Jamaa. That’s why it’s called Rare Item Monday!
Today’s item puts a fun new spin on a great item: a Rare Army Helmet! Rare Army Helmets are for sale today only, so make sure you pick yours up before they’re gone!



                                        and a jamtastic music video called Party in the USA!
                         the USA flag colors are the same colors for the freedom clothing! that's why I chose                                                                                            
                                                     song because it's USA'S birthday soon!

                                                         that's all jammers!
                                        also remember "BE JAMMERS NOT SCAMMERS

Sunday, 23 June 2013


HEY JAMMERS! I was just scrolling down the party list when i came upon the freedom Party!  This party was for the USA's birthday. ( I think... I'm not from the USA! >.<)Here is a pic of the party.^^ there were lots of fireworks! and also pics of the stalls                                          
                                                        THE FIREWORKS

and this how i found the the list lots of other jammers were there!

This was the stall which sold the freedom animal hats! Some were a bit pricy>.<

And these were the clothing items that were sold in the stall

Also they sold fireworks!!! which was really awesome!
the stall
                                                       Thesewere the fireworks they sold!