Sunday 25 August 2013


Hey Jammers! Today's item reminds you of rotten school and high school and what ever. Wonder why AJ selling school items but they would be perfect if you wanted to make a school. I'm going to buy a castle den and make a whole school that would be pretty cool but I don't like school! D: It's a total bore but I would call the school Jamaanasian School of Jammers! I don't actaully know but that's one of them.                                                                            Anway today's new item is a Chalkboard, I wonder what are all those marks? Jamaanasion writing? Animal jam writing? Who knows?!

and a new video in Serpia theatre!

New music videos out tomorrow onn the Jamming music page!
*Sorry it's really late! >.<

Anyway that's all!
Happy Jamming!
*Post will be continued if there is more to post about*

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