Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Pet Monkey Plushie!

Hey Jammers!
 Sorry for the late post there's no excuse for this late one ^^ >.< moving on ----->
Today's new item is the smaller version of the Giant Pet monkey Plushie!

Also remember to check out all the new video clips coming out in Serpia Forest!

and DE has posted awesome jammer art!
by Wretched ArcticclawsFuzzy Shyivy,Medieval CottonclawsVictory Vonviking, and Rosy Glamstar

and a new page is opening today! 
and that's basically all!
Happy Jamming!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Giant Monkey Pet!

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post >.< This time it was my computer's fault because it hates me :C
anyway... Today's new item is sold on the shelves of the Summer Carnival Plushies and its a Giant Monkey Pet ( It's a plushie) I wonder why its called pet and I wonder where the small version of it is?

also epic den of the week!

and Jamming Music Will be out tomorrow!
that's all Jammers!
Happy Jamming!

Monday, 29 July 2013

Real Musketeer Boots!

Hey Jammers! Today's rare is totally new and there are 8 colors to change your color boot and its real Musketeer Boots also I wonder why its not called "rare" Musketeer Boots or Rare real Musketeer boots the last one sounded weird!

sold on the first page in Jam Mart Clothing!
Make sure you get a pair your self!

Also a post about the Musketeer Boots by DE!
Its not the best rare...
and a new video in the aquarium!

also some jammers have gotten a tye-dye shirt and rare backpack from the adventures (hard mode)
treasure chests, I wonder if the tye-dye shirts goign to be sold and the backpack could be a rare item monday!
I love the colors of both items!

also Journey Book hints will be up soon but i'm posting them up now ^^
Kimbara Outback!

Animal: Lyre Bird
Where: In the tree across from the big waterfall

Animal: Galah
Where: on the roof of the Medic Center next to the windmill

Animal: Cassowary
Where: in the background  goes under the bridgeline

Animal: Echidna
Where: Bottom of the Kimbara rocks near the medic center
Animal: Platypus: 
Where: Bottom of the falls to the left
Animal: Blue Penguin
Where: Bottom of the right falls
Animal: Kookaburra
Where: Left side of the medic center roof

Animal: Trapdoor Spider
Where: left side of med. center

Animal: Tiger Snake
Where: Right side of med. center
Animal: Frilled Neck Lizard
Where: Under the Bridge to the falls

Animal: Sugar Glider
Where: Hangs on the windmill ( for dear life ^^)
Your prize!
is a windmill!
That's all Jammers!
Happy Jamming!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Torquoise Bracelet!

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post, I kind of went somewhere so i didn't really have time >.< anyway...
Today's new item matches yesterday's item and it's a torquoise bracelet sold in the Epic Wonders Clothing Orb!

and a post by DE about the kimbara outback journey book
and should i make a journey book page
I think that's gonna be the next thing after the music page ^^

also there's maybe a new code which is Alphas and gets you 500
gems and i tried it and it works!

and that's all Jammers!
Happy Jamming!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Torquoise Necklace!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is being sold at Epic Wonders Clothing Orb and it's a Torquoise Necklace! It's a pretty cool design and to me I luv it!
also a post by DE!

Koalas Have Returned

A few months ago, Cosmo the koala Alpha set out to see if he could discover a new land. He knew this would be a difficult journey, so he asked for help from the koalas of Jamaa.
Now that Kimbara Outback has been discovered, the koalas of Jamaa have returned! Now every Jammer in Jamaa can become a koala!
and there's a new video about Koala's in Brady Barr's theatre
and about the largest rodent :(

and when you play an adventure and there's now a hard mode and this is what it looks like!

and have you been to the jamaaliday party which has been sighted on the party list?
I sure haven't seen it on my party list...

and this is what the kangaroo exhibit looks like!
and that's all really all for now!
Happy Jamming!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Owl Plushies!

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post >.< Too may sleep in's >.<  anyway....

Today's new item is sold on the shelves of the Summer Carnival Plushies and its the Owl Plushies! Meep! they are 2222 cute! Also the freedom plushies have left and the normal plushies are back!

                                                             what do you think of them?

also i forgot these posts from DE >.<

and  1 more post from DE, we always need posts by them don't we?

also i heard there is a new code around here which is hooot and it actually really works it gets you 500 gems!

and that's all jammers! P.S This blog is still getting fixed and changes
Happy Jamming!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Issue 94 Jamaa Journal: Kangaroos and Kimbara!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the phantom shirt! It's a cool design! and it's being sold at jamaa Mart Clothing!

also stack of shelves which is actually a late post >.< Sold at Jamaa Furniture!

Now for the Jamaa Journal!

Kangaroos are now here and you can buy them at the diamond shop!

Also the map of jamaa has totally changed but you get used to it :D
Which Map do you like though? The old one or the new one?
When I check the map I just went "whoa!" ^^

You can also get to Kimbara by crossing the bridge near the pillow room and the game jamaa derby!

Now for the new land!
It's really full there and it's really hard to get in...
Took ages for me to get to the land!

It kind of sets the Australian Outback and I love some of the animals there!
And it kind of reminds me of coral canyons!

Also if there's a new land there's got to be a journey page for it! ^^
the windmill is really cool and its for all jammers!
you could make an outback den and use it!
And for the adventures there's been a add to it you can try hard mode!
I really want to try it!
also looks like Cosmo's preparing for another adventure!
Wonder what is next...
and koalas are back for all jammers!

and a thank you from AJ!
Can't believe it got in the top 20! whoo-hoo!
and check out the kangaroo exhibit!
and members now can show off what level they are on for adventures!
and the kangaroo exhibit if you click on the kangaroo exhibit
you can see this cool animation

also  check out the Caleanders of Jamaa
for the new calander but i'll still put it up here!

and the updates game for double gems is EAT 'EM UP!

and also check out the new video in the Aquarium!

and a post about the kangaroos by the DE!

and that's all jammers!
Hope you like the new update and there might be some changes on the blog
so there might be some changes here and there!
and that's all Happy Jamming!