Monday 1 July 2013

rare freedom glove!

hey jammers! today's rare and new freedom item is a rare freedom glove! pretty cool rare and a little pricy >.< you can find the rare/freedom item on the first page in the epic wonders shop at the top!

                                                               for 3000 gems
    also just pointing out the rare freedom glove was in the issue, looks like AJHQ were already         planning the rare! Also it's finally a non member rare! Its been like 9 weeks of a member rares! At least the rare freedom glove is for non members, I'm glad, really glad it's for non members and it's not really a shabby rare i guess at least! Also Happy Birthday SnowyClaw!!! ^^
                                        also the new gem is the ruby, it looks pretty cool
                                                              thats all jammers!
                                                               happy jamming!

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