Saturday 27 July 2013

Torquoise Necklace!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is being sold at Epic Wonders Clothing Orb and it's a Torquoise Necklace! It's a pretty cool design and to me I luv it!
also a post by DE!

Koalas Have Returned

A few months ago, Cosmo the koala Alpha set out to see if he could discover a new land. He knew this would be a difficult journey, so he asked for help from the koalas of Jamaa.
Now that Kimbara Outback has been discovered, the koalas of Jamaa have returned! Now every Jammer in Jamaa can become a koala!
and there's a new video about Koala's in Brady Barr's theatre
and about the largest rodent :(

and when you play an adventure and there's now a hard mode and this is what it looks like!

and have you been to the jamaaliday party which has been sighted on the party list?
I sure haven't seen it on my party list...

and this is what the kangaroo exhibit looks like!
and that's all really all for now!
Happy Jamming!

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