Friday 19 July 2013

friendship bracelets!

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post again >.< also instead of putting music video on each post I will be making a animal jam music videos page for all jammers who like listen to music! anyway...>>>>
Today's new item is a friendship bracelet! Buy a pair of the same color friendship bracelet and share them with you bestie or besties!

it looks kind of plain but its still cool as blue!
and a post by DE ( daily explorer)

Cosmo And The Koalas

A few months ago, Cosmo the koala Alpha set out to see if he could discover a new land. He knew this wouldn’t be an easy task, so he asked for help from the koalas of Jamaa.
We are excited to report that we just heard from Cosmo, and he says he and the koalas will be returning soon with very, very big news!
also Tunnel town has arrived and whoever downloads it in the first weekend will get this super rare founder bunny! So make sure you download it very soon! Are you getting it?

 and that's all Jammers! Happy Jamming!

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