Monday, 30 September 2013

Rare wavy bookshelf (continued)

 So, The RIM was a colorful, groovy wavy bookshelf, now on to some more posting!
For non members as you can see.

                                             Two posts be DE!

     Rare Item Monday – Rare Wavy Bookshelf

Every Monday, one super rare item is for sale in one of the shops around Jamaa. That’s why it’s called Rare Item Monday!
Today’s item is for those Jammers who have a fancy den and want to give their books a cool place to live, too: a Rare Wavy Bookshelf! Rare Wavy Bookshelves are for sale today only, so make sure you pick yours up before they’re gone!

Jammer Snaps Reminder – Birthday Celebrations

Jammer Snaps
It’s Animal Jam’s birthday this month, and what better way to celebrate than with a special birthday celebration Jammer Snaps?
Submitting for Jammer Snaps is easy. First, keep your eyes open for a Jammer Snaps topic on the Daily Explorer. Second, follow the topic and take an appropriate screenshot from Jamaa! Third, submit your screenshot through Jammer Central in Jamaa Township. And fourth, don’t forget to have fun! Remember: Jammer Snaps entries should beexciting and show your love for Animal Jam!
To learn how to take a screenshot, click here. For a quick way to see the current and past Jammer Snaps topics, click here.
All birthday celebration Jammer Snaps entries are due TODAY, Sunday, September 29th. Good luck! To late to remind you jammers now (hehehe)
That's all! The RIM is finished! 

Rare Wavy Bookshelf!

Hey Jammers! Today's RIM are for bookworms and who love color! It's a den item (We haven't had a den item for ages!) and so groovy! The combination of purple and light green (lime) are perfect! I'm really obseesed with this rare cause I love books and colors! Sorry I haven't even told what the rare is... It's a rare wavy bookshelf! Perfect in my Den library! :D
Sold on the 4th page of Jam Mart furniture!
I just love it! I just love it! Sorry!

I'm just posting what the rare is but I'll post more to this post later!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Jelly-fish Hat

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is in a shop that hasn't sold anything! It's a Jelly-fish hat sold in Bahari Bargains! It's adorbs! I love it! Because I love jellyfish except the fact that they can poison you :(
Wasn't there already a item like this? Isn't this a returning item?! I swear I've seen this item before!
My brain is going funny :C
New video in the aquarium theatre!
Because They need to breath?

Calendar for the update!
Jam ON!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Moustache + Studded Collar...

Hey Jammers! Sorry for late posting but I didn't have time because we went out and came back at 10:15pm. I was super tired! Anyway Today we have two new items one item from Jam Mart Clothing and the other item from the diamond shop.
Jam Mart Clothing item is...
Moustache! Oh my gosh I love it! I love moustaches, they're so cool! Somehow you knew AJ had put in a Moustache item to look snazzy or old!
Diamond shop's item is... Studded Collar!
It's basically like a spike but without the spikes, so that's why it's studded! (Genius! Not!)
Also in Brady Barr's theatre there's a new video with an interesting topic/question: Hvae you ever stepped in elephant poo?
No I haven't, Thank you!
But has Brady Barr? /:
AJ has posted an AD!
Also just to mention the Haunted Mansion is back on sale for 6'500 gems!
At the den shop! (I forgot the name of the den shop :()
That's all Jammers!
Jam on!

Good time

Friday, 27 September 2013

Decorrations (Did double r for a roll)

Hey Jammers! In Jamaa it's full of decor!It's kind of dark. Lots and heaps of little Phantoms floating around and there's the 3 ghosts near the pillow room who look friendly to me and grave-yards around Jamaa township.

The Mira statue has been replaced with a nasty Phantom! No!!!

The building and stores are now filled with light and there's heaps of lights everywhere like halloween!

That's decor for you! I think AJ outdid themselves with the decor
The notice board glows a kind of green :D
And also heaps of bats with batty facts!

They kind of freak me out...

New Animal?

Hey Jammers! In the Jamaa Journal there was something about a new animal spotted but AJ I think must have given a clue to think about~see~ The words spotted and Fast are in capital letters which could mean something, Or does it?
Amur Leopard
But why I'm keep thinking of Cats, what if it wasn't a cat, Who knows!!!

Spiked Mohawk

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post, had lots of things to do.>.< Today's new item brings a little punk and a little craziness to Jamaa... It's Punk Mohawk!

It's colorful and spiky and crazy and punky!
Post about how to keep your account safe

Account Safety

If your Animal Jam account is important to you, follow these great tips to keep your account safe!
Make sure your parent’s email address is connected to your account! If you aren’t sure what email was used when you created your account, ask your parents to send an email to and we will be happy to help you!
Never give away your password, even if someone tells you they need it in order to give you items or codes. AJHQ will never ask for your password, so if someone is asking for your password, they are not from AJHQ! If someone else is able to log into your account and break the rules, they could get you in trouble! So don’t give your password out to anyone, not even your best friend!
Giving away your password not only means someone can trade away your items, but it is also against the Animal Jam Rules. If you share your password with another player, they could log into your account, spend your gems, and send your items to their account. If that happens, AJHQ cannot replace those items or gems.
Create a safe and secure password! Try to create a password that is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. These are examples of passwords you don’twant to use: “password”, your username, or “12345″. These are some of the first passwords someone trying to get into an account tries!
Here are some ideas on how to create a difficult password: your pets names, your favorite colors, your favorite brands, or even the name of your favorite shows are best used when combined with each other — so “PurpleFurbyNintendo” is a much harder to guess than just “Purple” or “Furby” or “Nintendo”.
Never redeem any membership codes unless it was purchased for you by a trusted adult. Someone might tell you they have a membership code they will trade you or a special trick to get membership codes. Those codes aren’t allowed and could get you banned from Animal Jam! Other players offering free membership codes are breaking the rules, so protect your account and never use one of their codes!
That's all!
Happy Jamming

Thursday, 26 September 2013


Hey Jammers! Sorry for late posting but my brother had to go to hospital and I had to stay at a friend's house and didn't have time. Anyway...
There's a lot of new stuff in the new update!
The new item is a wristwatch, so you can tell the time! Three "o"clock it says.
I wish it was a non member item.!

There's a new adventure! And you can meet the Phantom King, When I think of it, I see a extra large phantom wearing a crown and gold chain necklace, Eating rich chocolates. That's my imagination!
The adventure is for members! Also why is it called the Hive?
Elephants are back but How about the other animals, Giraffes, Rhinos?!
Pet tarantulas will be sold on the 1st of October!
I can't wait for all the new items and Celebration!
Pet Bats are awesome. Wonder where in the Spooky Party they are hidden?
    It sounds like The haunted Forest party and Spooky Party will be on!
Cool a map feature!
And new animal spotted? Wonder what kind of animal?
The Haunted Mansion is back! It's an awesome den!
And let the Parties begin!
The Phantom Vortex is back. Get whisked away to this dark place!
Go see all twelve!
And the phantom Vortex look like this
Just stand on it and you'll be whisked away!
Remember to use the birthday cake code to get your big cake before it's too late!
Also these bat facts are around Jamaa press an orange paw icon!

National Geographic’s Great Nature Project

National Geographic's Great Nature ProjectJoin National Geographic in celebrating the great nature all around us! You can view photos and learn more about the Great Nature Project at
Go outside, snap a photo of plants and animals you find, and upload photos on their site with #GreatNature as the hashtag.  Be sure to ask your parents before you upload and add any other appropriate hashtags (like #animal) to your photos so others can easily find them.
The Great Nature Project involves people all over the world. What cool wildlife photos can you and your family add to the project?

Awesome Jammer Art

Check out all this awesome art sent in by Fuzzy Thebunny, Eternal Icywolf, Sparkle Fancygirl, Blossom Muddybear, and Sir Goofyninja!
Fuzzy Thebunny
Eternal Icywolf
Sparkle Fancygirl
Blossom Muddybear
Sir Goofyninja

Was the theme bunnies?
That was a lot of posting but most of it was super exciting ^^ :D :O :)
Also I won't be doing the schedule for this week till it's Monday because  my Mum is going to kill me if I go on the laptop too much and I need to look after my brother.
So yea...
Jam On!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Cami's frog

This is true and real 

Pat picked Froggy out for Cami when I was about 8 months pregnant.
I swear she has slept with him every night since the day we brought her home.

He has been on every trip...
Here they are in Hawaii..

He has needed "stitches" a few times..

and he was there for her when she got her stitches..

He came to the hospital when she was diagnossed-

He was her eating buddy while on steroids..

and how could he miss the hair shaving party?

Smart Bomb Interactive (Pat's Work) has even featured Froggy in their brand new online animal game from National Geographic called Animal Jam. Cami was soooooo excited about this.

Yes, Froggy has been through EVERYTHING with Cami. He is her comfort. He has been through a lot with her, but he has definitely seen better days. The last 6 weeks she has needed Froggy more than ever. He has been dragged to and from the hospital, poked by the nurses, used as a pillow and well.. thrown across the room in a steroid rage. Cami decided that Froggy needed a Birthday, so tonight we gave him a party. And I think he deserved it. This little guy has been working hard!
From her family's blog.
And animal jam buzz