Friday 20 September 2013

Cone Collar

Hey Jammers! I'm back!! Did you miss me? Probably NOT! Anyway I'm back on the schedule*! Today's new item is sold at the Medical shop and it's a Cone Collar. Looks the best on dogs. But we have no dogs.
I think AJ want us to pretend where hurt.

Notice Note: Sorry for not posting
Posts By DE!
Well done Mythical Quietspirit, that's a brilliant assignment!

News Crew Article – Back to School

Jammers sent in hundreds of amazing entries for the latest News Crew assignment. It was hard choosing a winner, but the winning entry was sent in by Mythical Quietspirit! Read Mythical Quietspirit’s article below, and check back for the next News Crew Assignment!
Mythical Quietspirit
It’s that time of year again!  Summer is ending, and Jammers are heading back to school.  I interviewed some Jammers to see what they thought about the new school year!
What is your favorite thing about starting school?  Baroness Wingedrabbit says she likes seeing all her friends again!  Twinkle Peachygem likes to learn about new things in our world.  “We should never stop learning!” she says.
What is your favorite school subject?  King Smartybunny really likes math.  Sparkle Icyflower says her favorite is science because of all the experiments they get to do!  “Plus, we get to learn about the environment!”
What do you do to prepare for the new school year?  Blooming Tinypenguin reviews things she learned from the last year.  Major Thewolf says that he gets all his school supplies ready.  That way, he’ll have everything he needs for the first day.
There you have it.  These Jammers are ready for a great school year of learning and fun!  Good luck to everyone, and play wild!
- Mythical Quietspirit

Jammer Snaps – Birthday Celebrations

Jammer Snaps
This month we’re celebrating Animal Jam’s birthday, and we hope you have fun and join in the celebrations with us!
Parties can happen anywhere in Jamaa. Whether you’re hosting a party in your den with your buddies, having a parade through Jamaa Township, or attending the AJ Birthday Party, simply take a screenshot of you and your buddies celebrating Animal Jam’s birthday in Jamaa. Make sure to have fun with it: maybe you can wear different kinds of party hats, and dance or play. Don’t forget about your emotes and chat bubbles!
To learn how to take a screenshot, click here.
All entries are due by Sunday, September 29th. Submit your entries through Jammer Central in Jamaa Township.
Good luck, Jammers!
Anybody entering?! I think I might and happy b-day Aj (pretty late saying that) I haven't been to the AJ Birthday party:C
                                                          That's all Jammers!
                                                              Jam On!
Also find it in jamaa friday (All credit to Gringersnaps :D) is...
2 days!

Glad you came


Teenage dream

Credit to Gringersnaps*

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