Wednesday 11 September 2013

Potted Flower Hat

Hey Jammers! I'm getting better in slow progress, still sick and I've got school work >.< but anyway....
Sorry for not posting. Notice board: I won't be doing the weekly table thing. For only this week and Also I won't be posting on Friday (Birthday, going somewhere!!) and Saturday. Sorry >.< Anyway...
Today's new item has been floating around the adventures, Jammers getting the item before it's sold and it's the potted flower hat!

would have expected it to be a Summer Carnival item but it's not it's sold in Jam Mart clothing
It's a clever, kind of crazy design
 That's all there is to post about.
Jam On!
(Make a school den and make a school, it's fun being the teacher, since you listen to your teacher bossing you around)

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