Tuesday 15 October 2013


Hey Jammers! Today is Beta time day! Yay! :P Today I'm going to talk about what the Jamaa Journal were like in the beta times!
                       Wow! Totally different from now! It's kind of cool though! I think I like this version!
                                            Tells you the days, and stuff jammers say!

Kind of crowded but nice! Looks beta though, you can see it!

Shaman? Aren't they called Alphas?! This Jamaa Journal has more info!
Don't you think?!

The newspaper you can sink Your teeth into! Ah!

There are small articles everywhere! I like the pics of jammers!

A 437 Gem bonus! Sign me up! Too bad it's past :C

Was the mouse blue?!
                                                I really like these Jamaa Journals!
                                     I wished the Jamaa Journals still looked like this :C
                             This is today's Beta Times post. Signing Out! Jam On!

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