Thursday, 3 October 2013

Phantoms + Haunted Forest Party

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post but I was super busy yesterday and I was basically out all day.
Today we have 2 returning phantom items. The Giant Phantom sold in Jam Mart Furniture! And the phantom lights sold in, Sunken Treasures!

I luv this item!
Posts by DE, New assignment and Jammer Snaps!

News Crew Assignment – Creepiest Animals


During this spooky time of the year, your assignment is to interview Jammers about what they think are the creepiest, crawliest animals and insects.
Do they like creepy, crawly things? What’s so interesting about them? What creepy animals and insects did they learn about in Jamaa from facts or videos?
All News Crew entries are due by Sunday, October 13th. Submit your entries through Jammer Central in Jamaa Township, and remember to follow the News Crew Submission Rules: any article that is inappropriate, is over 250 words long, or doesn’t have a screenshot cannot be considered for the News Crew.
Now go and have fun reporting!

Jammer Snaps Spotlight – Birthday Celebrations

Jammers sent in thousands of amazing entries for the Birthday Celebrations Jammer Snaps! Because there were so many great entries, it was impossible to pick just one winner.
The winning snapshots were submitted by Daredevil RowdybraveInfinity GrandpenguinJumping PrettyspiritMythical Spiritbunny, and Victory Rainyfriend!
Daredevil Rowdybrave
Infinity Grandpenguin
Jumping Prettyspirit
Mythical Spiritbunny
Victory Rainyfriend
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who entered!
That's all! Happy Jamming!

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