Friday 11 October 2013

Tutu (Continued)

Hey Jammers! Today we have a returning item for all Ballet Dancers out there! It's pink but you can change color but it's really not a Day of the Phantom item! But you could dance as a Dancing Zombie! Anyway sold Bahari Bargains first page!
Frilly! "Let's dance under ther sea!"
DE has posted again!

Online Safety Month – Safety On The Go

mobile safety
Here are some of our favorite safety tips for when you use a cell phone or a wifi device, at home or on-the-go:
 - Think about who you give your phone number to – you don’t know where it might end up!
- If you receive a mean, annoying, or inappropriate text save it for evidence butdon’t reply to it. If you reply you are likely to get yourself into trouble too. Tell an adult you trust or report it to your school or mobile phone operator.

- Before you enter personal details onto a website, check where your information will go by reading the terms and conditions and privacy policy with your parents, and looking at user reviews about the website.

- Be very suspicious if things online appear too good to be true
 – they probably are!

- Keep your passwords to yourself
- Respect yourself and others online.
As we celebrate Online Safety Awareness this month, think about other rules you have in your house about how to stay safe online.
That Post was Very Important!
Also I saw this Animal Jam Ad that I have never seen, So I thought I would show you guys!
Let's Charge!!!
Jam On!

Counting Stars (I love this song)

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