Saturday 12 October 2013


Hey Jammers! Today I was deciding about the schedule for the blog and I decided I'm making a new schedule, I reall lack on *trying* to do the schedule but I'm going to try! -Puts arms in a superhero way (One arm up and one on my hip)  So here's the new Schedule! Hope it works!
                                                           Tuesday-Beta times
                                    Wednesday-Den ideas (Credit to Gringersnaps (Her Blog)
                                             Thursday- Trend threads (Outfits to totally try)
                                                           Friday-Den inspection
                                                           Saturday-Alpha talk
                                                      Sunday-Random something                                                                    I'll try to do my best to do all those things. But If I don't I will have an excuse :D hehe!  I will start next week.                                                             Jam On!

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