Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Hockey Mask+Post more

Hey Jammers! Got back from my holiday, It's was great, It was at the beach and I chilled out.

Here is a pic of where I went!
 Anyway, Today we don't have a combination of returning items, But just only one item :U Aww no more hectic posting :C Today the item is a Hockey Mask! Sold in Jam Mart Clothing, Get a chainsaw and the Hockey Mask and call it the Masked Chain-sawer! Perfect Costume! But problem: No chainsaw :C
Also I will post more later!
 The thing is I'm really busy with school work, But I will try to fit all my posting.
Okay, I just need to add a few more things ^^
Posts by DE
Cool den of the week?! Wasn't it epic! I think it sounds better with epic not cool!

Awesome Jammer Art

Check out all this awesome phantom art sent in by Arctic Wolf, Enchanted Spiritpride, Princess Cuterose, Princess Prettyviolet, and Snowflake Arcticwolf!
Arctic Wolf
Enchanted Spiritpride
Princess Cuterose
Princess Prettyviolet
Snowflake Arcticwolf
Remember, you can submit your art (and stories, poems, and other creations) in Jammer Central for a chance to be featured on the Daily Explorer! Your art might also be featured in the Jammer Central Gallery, which updates all the time with new pictures from Jammers like you!
Ohh... nice drawing I luv all of them
That's all! That's to post!
P.S: There's a video in Brady Barr's theatre

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